Cost $75.00

Registration includes access to a National Trainer, online course materials, and certification. Additional costs may be added when recertifying other instructor awards.


To be eligible for recertification Trainers are required to have completed all mandatory updates (as required) and hold applicable current Instructor certification(s).

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Opening Session

    • Course Introduction

    • Session Overview

    • Course Outline

    • The Lifesaving Society

    • The Lifesaving Society Cont.

    • Website Functions and Tools

    • Course Resources

    • Leadership Competencies Manual

    • Leadership Reference Manual

    • Expectations, Objectives, and Evaluation

  • 2

    Session 2: Lifesaving Society What's New?

    • Session Overview

    • Roles & Responsibilities

    • Certification Pathway

    • Competency Development

    • Personal Development Plan

  • 3

    Session 3: Skill Demonstration

    • Session Overview

    • Application of Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes

    • Preparing Candidates to become Instructors/Examiners/Coaches

    • Evaluating Instructors

    • Activity: Evaluating

    • Evaluating Case Studies

    • Peer Presentations

    • Peer Presentations Cont.

    • Peer Presentation Topic Selection

    • Peer Presentation Sample

    • Planning you Peer Presentations

  • 4

    Live Video Session

    • Live Video Session

  • 5

    Closing Session

    • Course Evaluation