Cost $75.00

Registration includes access to a Instructor, online course materials, and certification.


National Lifeguard Instructor (need not be current).


The participants learn the roles and responsibilities of SEE Auditors and facilities, the value of SEE Audits, the SEE Audit process, scanning and safety supervision behaviours to look for while conducting SEE Audits and scanning inhibitors/enhancers. SEE Auditors gain the skills to provide tools and suggestions to supervisors/managers to support ongoing development of lifeguard and instructional teams.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and Introductions - Session Overview

    2. Welcome and Introductions

    3. Course Schedule

    4. Expectations, Objectives, and Evaluation

    1. Lifesaving Society - Session Overview

    2. Lifesaving Society

    3. Safety Services, Safety Management Programs, and Safety Management Publications

    4. Lifesaving Society - Website Activity

    5. The Lifesaving Society Quiz

    1. Roles and Responsibilities - Session Overview

    2. Roles and Responsibilities

    3. Roles and Responsibilities Quiz

    1. Safety and Supervision System - Session Overview

    2. Safety and Supervision System

    3. Safety and Supervision Systems - Quiz

    1. Scanning and Recognition - Session Overview

    2. Scanning and Recognition

    3. Scanning and Recognition - Visual Quiz

    4. A Series of Events - Assignment

    5. Scanning and Recognition Quiz

    1. Scanning Inhibitors and Enhancers - Session Overview

    2. Scanning Inhibitors - Visual Quiz

    3. Scanning Enhancers

    4. Scanning Enhancers - Activity

About this course

  • $75.00
  • 45 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Additional Notes

Certification Currency: 2 years from date of completion.